Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Unfading Sun"

I watched a film,"Unfading Sun", which is the film based on Toyoko Yamazaki's 5-part novel.
This story is fiction but partly non-fiction.
I read this novel about 10 years ago. Most of her novels are non-ficton, so I like her novel.

In 1985, JAL Jumbo-jet air crash was happened in Osutaka-yama, Gunma prefecture and it killed more than 500 people.
This is the starting scene of the film.
This film shows why this accident was happened.
In this film, we can see Kokumin-Airline Company(which is the name of the airline company in the movie)neglected to emphasize the security and employees' work conditions.
The Labour Union advocated that the company should secure the safty flight and improve employee's work condition.
However, the company didn't change and improve them, and there was a huge conflict between employers and employees, which made it difficult to unite the company. The top management of Kokumin-Airline Company urged the main character, who was the leader of the Labour Union, to move to Karachi, Pakistan for 2 years, Teheran, Iran for the next 2years, and then Kenya for another 2 years to prevent the labour union uniting strongly and fighting against the employers.
I can see how the government and the company dealt with this air-crash accident and problem between employers and employees.

This movie took 3 and a half hours and there was 10-minite break in the middle of the film.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A big truck& a small truck

When I was driving the highway in Japan, I found the two trucks in front of me.

One was much smaller than the regular size. The other was a large one.

However, both of them were called "truck".
The right one was almost twice larger than the left one.

It was so cute!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


My friend's mother teachs my friends and me Japanese cuisine bimonthly.

This time, we made "Oinari-san".

Why is this cuisine called "Oinari-san"? That is because.....

it is covered with deep-fried tofu which Japanese has believed that a fox loves to eat very much. In some place, Japanese admire a fox as a kind of god which is called "Oinari-san" to wish a rich harvest.

Oinari-san is stuffed with boiled rice, burdocks and carrots.

Burdocks and carrots are mixed with rice which is tasted with 1+ 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of salt and 80cc of vinegar.

They are folded with deep-fried tofu.

Deep-fried tofu, burdocks and carrots were to be dipped in each cooking liquid.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My favorite drawing

This is my favorite drawing which I bought about 8 years ago in Hochimin, Vietnam.

I love this orange drawing. The drawing is quite simple.

There are houses and a tree. The roof of houses reflects the sunset. This orange drawing makes me feel relieved and reassured.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Go to the dentist--!

I don't like to go to a dentist actually. But, it is time to go maybe. I used to go to the dentist who was my favoraite. I meant he was a reliable person. He always thoght what kind of treatment was satifiying the paients and always he tried to explain how he proceeds the treatment in detail.
He always made a consent with his patients. I will meet a new dentist tomorrow. It is an adventure for me. I don't want a bad dentist to examine myself.....

Good Luck to me.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Movie:The boy in the Striped Pyjamas

I saw the movie"The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" at Ebisu Garden Cinema, Tokyo.

I could see how the Holocaust was going on from the sight of children.

This movie was drawn by the sight of Bluno who was a German child.

He was too pure to understand what was going on in Germany and what was happened between the German and the Jewish.

However, Bruno couldn't believe what the teacher taught to Bruno and his sister about what & how the jewish people were evil and worst was totally correct, because Bruno was making conversation with Jewish 8-year old boy, Shmuel. Bruno made a friendship with Shmuel.

So, Bruno doubted what the techer taught.

He repeated why and why. However, no adults could answer his questions. Only they could say was Jewish were evil.

Nowadays, we have got a lot of information by TV, newspaper and Web. We have to judge what is real, and if possible, we have to see with our own eyes and touch with owr own hands.

If so, we can judge what is right without any inflectional info.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fireworks at Tamagawa River location

As usual, I went to see the fireworks at Tamagawa river in Tokyo, which was one of the biggest fireworks in Japan.

Every year, the performance of fireworks get to be strengthened and upgraded by technicailly.
Today, I could see the "Doraemon's shape" of fireworks. It's amazing. How could they make such a complicated and tough fireworks?

I'm looking forward to seeing the them next year.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Grandfatsher's Letters exhibition

Grandfather's Letters Exhibition has been held at Daikan-yama Hillside Terrace by Aug.31.
I was really impressed by the heartful touches of drawing picture cards to the grandchildren.
He was Henry, called "Kaka", which meant Grandfather in India. He sent approximately 1200 letters to his grandchildren in his whole life. His picuture was so nice. His drawings showed his love to his grandchildren. I 'm feeling relaxed and easy when I see his drawings.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Turtles in the lake

I found a turtle taking a rest on the small wood in the lake.

It seemed to be too small a rest place for him.